Creative approaches to existing building stock Aesthetic and technical solutions in detail Whether it be a monastery, a warehouse, or a high-rise apartment block, international projects demonstrate inspiring solutions
A former power plant becomes an art mile; a tea house is built on the remnants of a historical wall. Everywhere we encounter buildings which are no longer used in their original state and now provide the setting for new uses. As disparate as the structures in question themselves are the structural and technological demands they impose on the architect. Whether the subject is energy-conscious renovation or progressive conversion, these new language editions of In Detail: Building in Existing Fabricincorporate innovative examples from Italy, France, and Spain developed specially for these volumes. Introductory essays by noted experts deal with the subject in depth from the perspectives of historical preservation, economy, and building technology. From a structures surrounding environment to large-scale representations of details, all of the drawings are meticulously researched and presented with the customary high quality and with the competence and experience of the editorial staff at DETAIL.
La central eléctrica abandonada se convierte en galería de arte, el antiguo granero en edificio de viviendas. Constantemente encontramos edificios con espacio para nuevos usos, cuyo aprovechamiento requiere tanto de un concepto original como del trato adecuado de la estructura histórica. Las exigencias constructivas y técnicas pueden ser tan variadas como los propios edificios. Ya se trate de la restauración de un edificio histórico, una reconstrucción cuidadosa o una remodelación progresiva, Rehabilitación presenta un amplio abanico de soluciones innovadoras internacionales. Desde el contexto espacial hasta el detalle a gran escala: los dibujos de esta obra han sido especialmente elaborados y presentan la calidad acostumbrada de la serie en Detail.