One of three classic MBP graffiti and street-art books that were firsts, being released as highquality paperbacks, printed at the same dimensions as the hardcovers, but at a lower price point. Stencil Graffiti Capital: Melbourne, MBPs first street-art book, stands as a contemporary classic of the genre. During the first few years of this century, Melbourne, Australia, was the global epicenter of stencil graffiti, with artists like MEEK, SIXTEN, VEXTA, and MEGGS cutting amazing stencils and getting them up all over the city. The variety and abundance of the citys scene attracted international attention, especially after BANKSY paid a visit. This was the first graffiti book to be published that focused on stencil graffiti, and while many stencil-centric books have followed, it remains the only one that documents a once prolific scene that will stand the test of time. The paperback edition of Stencil Graffiti Capital: Melbourne brings all of the originals great photographs and interviews to new readersat the same size but lower cost. Marvel at the artistry and ingenuity of the stencils; read about feats of daring-do as told by the artists; laugh at the political puns and pop-culture references.