Institut d'Arquitectura Avancada de Catalunya, Spain, 2009. Paperback. Estado de conservación: New. 210 x 150 mm. Brand New Book. The Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IaaC) is an international center for research, education and development of architecture on a multi-level scale, ranging from bits to geography. The three-term Master program at Advanced Architecture accredited by The Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya approaches the physical construction of the world by simultaneously engaging issues on territorial scales, building and digital fabrication. Directors Vicente Guallart, Willy Muller and Marta Male-Alemany, together with the entire teaching staff, are committed to a long-term prospective of creating an academic and explorative center in Barcelona which brings together students, tutors, and researchers from different fields of knowledge in order to materialize experimental forms of communication, dwelling and planning. The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IaaC) is an international center of research, educations and development oriented toward architecture as a discipline that addresses different scales of territorial analysis and urban development as well as diverse architectural projects, digital processes and information environments.Located in Barcelona, one of the international capitals of Urbanism, the institute directed by Vicente Guallart develops multidisciplinary programmes that explore international urban and territorial phenomena, with a special emphasis on the opportunities that arise from the emergent territories and the cultural, economic and social values that architecture can contribute to society.